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Red Bull Studios: Tokyo

I Am Ryan Greene

It's no exaggeration to say that the sound of punk rock music in the 90s was defined by producer/mixer/engineer Ryan Greene. He has worked with many of the biggest bands of the era, including Megadeth, Cheap Trick, Tonic, NOFX, and Lagwagon, to create the sound of an entire genre. In 2015, Japan's band NAMBA69 won the Red Bull Bands of the Bands contest. I will be working on my next album at Red Bull Studios Tokyo. The band's frontman, Akihiro Namba, had known Ryan of Fat Wreck Chords since his previous band, High Standard, and wanted to ask him to record his next album in NAMBA69. Ryan was asked to come to Japan for a one-week period to record and mix with Red Bull. Strategy SET learned that Ryan's recording schedule was jam-packed and his time in Japan was limited, so they not only documented the band's album creation, but also provided a Japan cultural experience that Ryan would never forget.
