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Telstra Sushi Plane

DDB Sydney commissioned us to carry out something that rivaled the most ambitious project the company had ever undertaken.

"Sushi Plane" invites 16 winners to Tokyo for five days to take on Japan's wacky game show-style challenges and have a unique experience that is not found in the guidebook. SET's production department also filmed the event and produced spot commercials for TV and the web highlighting the event's star smartphone, the HTC Desire.

SET has drawn on its years of experience with music and events in Tokyo to create a trip that is sure to impress. These ranged from traditional cultural events such as swordsmanship to the world of manga showcasing Tokyo's pop culture. SET's experiential event planning team planned this project down to the smallest detail, considered the challenges of the reality show, and booked venues, hotels, restaurants, and transportation. In addition, SET assembled some of the best art experts in the city to design sets, costumes, props, and of course, all filming and editing.

From a planning and production point of view, Sushi Jet was an overwhelming success. Participants and clients alike were impressed by everything they saw, and although the TV commercials were short, they were able to show Australian viewers an interesting side of Tokyo that they don't usually see
